My name is Natalie Brokaw; I have been a firefighter, police code enforcement officer and librarian but recently discovered my real passion which is photography. I grew up with the canyons of southeastern Utah as my backyard. I spent most of my childhood exploring Canyonlands and Arches National Park, the Blue Mountains and the hidden deep winding canyons of the Colorado Plateau. I have a deep love of nature and discovering new places. I have been blessed artistically and became interested in photography upon moving to the "Valley of the Sun" otherwise known as Phoenix, Arizona. The differences between Arizona's and Utah's landscape fascinated me. The unique cactus such as the resilient and grand Saguaro, the unique defense mechanism of the jumping cholla and the unearthly glow of the teddy bear cholla inspired me. I became captivated by the way light and clouds of a monsoon storm bring out the rich earth color in the land. The light and the way it plays across the harsh landscape of the Sonoran Desert is beautiful. I found myself seeking out beautiful and unique locations to try and capture not only what I saw, but what I felt.. Through photography I have grown to love and appreciate this world even more. There is such subtle beauty in the small things that I had missed before because I simply had not looked. In contrast is the amazing grandeur of the American Southwest with sweeping vistas and beautiful color that plays across the earth and sky. I find much joy in sharing my photography with others and bringing this beautiful world into their homes. My hope is to inspire others to notice and appreciate their own unique locations and open their eyes to God's beauty
Natalie Brokaw
"I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in"
John Muir

If you are interested in purchasing a print of any of my photographs you may contact me by e-mail
Pricing will depend on size and shipping.
(all images are copyright)